Matteucci McMuffin
Fast food is about bad ingredients, cooked badly.  Yet it somehow comes out tasty.  I have enjoyed turning the MacDonalds Egg McMuffin into a Tuscan culinary delicacy.
The Bread:  My favorite choices are a square of onion foccacia from Liguria Bakery in SF, or the best traditional bagel I can find.  I like sesame.  Warm the bread (or toast it if you prefer).
Slit it open like a sandwich and place it on a plate.

On one bread half, place 1 slice of imported Parma prociutto (remove some of the fat if you like.  In a pan melt 1 tbls of butter.  After butter stops sizzling (quiets down) crack in one egg.  Fry on one side for about 2 minutes. When it is ready to flip, break the yoke carefully, then flip it.  Place thinly cut Pecorino Toscana cheese on the egg, along with pepper to taste. Cook on this side for about 30 -45 seconds covered so cheese will melt..  Place the egg on the prociutto, cover with other side of bread and serve.